Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

I feel like our Christmas celebrations have just now, come to an end.  Now, I get to tackle the mountain of laundry, pack away the decorations, and try to get our lives back into some sort of normal routine.  Unfortunately, the girls don't go back to school until Wednesday, so the routine has to wait a bit. 

We loved all of our celebrations, but this was the first year we didn't travel on Christmas day.  It was great staying in our pajamas all day.  In fact, I liked it so much, I'm still in my pajamas today (its 2:00 pm). 

Here is a quick recap of our festivities.  We started by celebrating with Will's family.  Here are a few shots from that.

Will's brother, Blake, Will, and Will's brother, Patrick

Next we went to Oklahoma City to celebrate with my grandma's family.  This is the Butler Christmas I wrote here. Taylor sang three songs with great conviction, but Emma didn't feel up to it.  She did sing Jingle Bells with Taylor, though. 

My mom, cousins Cooper and Peyton, Aunt Cathy, and Will with Cooper
Men, Will and Me, my sisters, and My second cousin Sammy with her new husband, Tyler.

We finished with my family, but Will was in charge of those pictures, and they all pretty much look the same.  Here is one that I like though.

Will reading to most of the grandkids.

This was the first time we didn't do Christmas in Oklahoma City with my family.  My grandpa passed away this year so we moved the festivities to my parents' house.  There were parts that we missed (mainly my grandpa), but it meant that all of my family got to be together.  It has been several years since my sister, Crystal's family, has been with us.  It was nice having everyone (Aunt Cathy, included) all in one place.

P.S.  I promise to take the Christmas music off soon.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Butler Christmas

I have mentioned before that I am a deeply traditional person.  There is one tradition that I'd like to share because it is my favorite.  It is a Christmas celebration with my maternal grandmother's family - The Butlers. 

It started years ago, when my mom was a kid.  My grandma's brothers and all of their families get together and have a party that always brings me to tears.  It used to be at my great grandma's house, but when she passed away, it moved to my mom's Uncle Keith's house - it has been there ever since.

We start with lunch.  Its loud, crowded, and chaotic, but I love it.  I love getting to talk with cousins, uncles, and aunts.   I love hearing the laughter from family as they recount old stories, tell bad jokes, and watch the kids play.  I have warm fuzzies just thinking about it!

After lunch we do a talent show.  Its mostly the kids, and now the grandkids, but a few "adults" join in occasionally.  There is singing and playing instruments.  We've even seen some sign language and some dancing. 

Every man in the room follows by singing "We Three Kings", but they substitute "three" with the actual number of men.  The talent ends by us singing "The Hallelujah Chorus".  We sing while we watch an old VHS tape of my Uncle Ralph accompanying us on the piano.  Its a real treat when he's there and we get to listen to him in person. 

Someone reads the Christmas story from the Bible, we remember any family members we have lost during the year, and we close with a prayer.  Pure sweetness. 

We then have an adult gift exchange game and the little ones open gifts.  That's it.  Its the same every year.  Every single year.  It could not be any more perfect.

We'll be stopping in Oklahoma City for this celebration on Saturday.  I'm looking forward to posting new pictures of my kids singing.  They've been practicing for weeks. :)

I'm leaving you with the earliest picture of me that I could find from this great tradition.  I know there are more, but they're all at my parents' house.  Go ahead and notice the sweet mullet and matching sweatsuit with my shirt tucked in.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Moments

Below is a list of "ornaments" I have found on the tree this year.  I'm sure the list will grow as the season continues.

pipe cleaners
My Little Ponies
tiny princesses
paint can opener
key rings

The girls had a Christmas program at school last Friday.  We were all so excited.  They did great!  They are definitely little entertainers.  It must run in their blood.

You know the Postal Service commercial where the guy is in the little house making snickerdoodles?  Well, the girls spent an entire evening playing that they were making hankerdoodles.

We went looking at Christmas light displays last night and while watching one of the displays with corresponding lights and music, Taylor said "the lights are dancing!"  Emma said, "Wow!  How can they hear the music?"

I really love this stage.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Gift of Music

I was laying in bed last night thinking about my favorite Christmas presents.  You know, the ones I actually remember opening, being excited about, and using for years to come.  The only ones that come to mind are as follows.  New Kids on the Block tape when I was 8,  sterling silver necklace with music notes on it when I was around 10,  a radio/CD/tape player when I was 14, and a radio/CD player for my car when I was 17.

I don't still have the tape, but I do have the same album on a CD.  I don't still have the car stereo, it went with the car, but I do still use the other stereo and the necklace.

I have received a lot of gifts in my life (I can't believe I'm 31), but remember very few (which reminds me that what I give my kids really isn't that important).  I believe that the items I remember were important/special for one connecting reason: music. 

I think that music is one of the most wonderful gifts that God has given.  I don't think there is a moment in my life that passes without the involvement of music.  I like all music.  I think each style has an appropriate time and place.  I think music often says things that we just can't put into words.  Most importantly, music is my preferred method of worshiping my savior.  I relate to that little drummer boy.  "I have no gift to bring, to lay before the King.  I played my drum for him.  I played my best for him.  Then, he smiled at me.  Me and my drum."

A lot of people HATE Christmas music, and I understand why, but as for me, I LOVE it!  I get one month - ONE MONTH people, to listen to music that will be put back on the shelf for a year.  I, and other Christmas music lovers, have to take full advantage of this opportunity.

SO...I guess this post has a few messages and reminders in it.  Make your gifts special and memorable.  They don't have to be expensive, fancy, or even material objects at all.  They could be your time, your services, handmade, or bought, just make sure they fill a purpose and matter.  Really THINK about the person you're giving to.

Also, give Christmas music a chance.  Some people really dig it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The girls have needed a haircut for a while, but we don't have someone here in town that I trust to do it, so I just kept putting it off.  I have a few friends that cut their kids' hair so I thought, okay, I'll just give it a try.  Below is a picture of the finished product.  I had no intention of cutting Emma's hair that short, but you know how it goes.  It wasn't even, so I just kept cutting!  It doesn't look that bad, just don't look too closely from the back.

Don't Bert and Ernie look pretty?

 Also, I've decided to grow my hair out, which means more straight days and less curly days.  Unfortunately straight causes me to find more gray hairs.  Very sad, indeed.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2011 Christmas Letter

*To cut printing costs this year, I am posting this to our blog.  Only those people who do not read our blog will actually be getting one in the mail.  If you are reading this, you are super cool and hip with technology.  Way to go.

December, 2011

Hello Loved Ones!
Well, another year has come and gone. goes so quickly. I'd like to believe that we have all grown older and wiser, but its possible that we're just older. Our lives continue to be a whirlwind of excitement and chaos. We thought we'd take a moment to fill you in on the important details of our family.

Will continues to work in the construction business, although in a different way. He started working for a new company this year. He helps repair and remodel homes that are going to be resold. He was not looking for a new job, but has been blessed by the opportunity to work here. He likes the work he's doing and the consistent hours. 
Emma and Taylor are 4 and started “real” preschool this year. They go three mornings a week. They really like their teachers and are so excited to show me what surprises they have in their backpacks when they get home. They still love princesses, dressing up and doing crafts. They are learning how to navigate this world together as twins, yet working hard to be individuals. I wish there was a way to slow things down and I try not to think too hard about the next few years. (sniff, sniff)

I am still a stay at home mom. With the girls starting preschool, I have three mornings a week to myself. Even with those mornings, I still feel like there's never enough time. I sing once a month on the church worship team and started leading a Bible study. I also babysit an 11 month old once a week. 
A few months ago we adopted a new puppy, named Winnie. She is German short hair/lab mix. Oscar, who is seven now, is happy to have a friend to play with, but is easily annoyed by her never ending desire to be with him.

This holiday season we want to express our love to each of you. We hope that you are able to take time to look past the lights, gifts, and revelry of the season and reflect on what is most important – the birth of Jesus Christ. Not just a baby in a story, but who he really is and what he came to do. Salvation from the King. What a precious gift.
We wish each of you a very Merry Christmas.

Will, Alisha, Emma, and Taylor

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jolly Old St. Nicholas

This year we took the girls to the Bass Pro Shop to visit Santa.  This was the first year that they actually sat on his lap and told him what they wanted.  Past years they have cried and refused, or sat just long enough for a picture.  This year, Emma ran and jumped into his arms with great excitement.  If he hadn't been sitting in a chair, she would have knocked him over.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Feelings of Gratitude

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I thought I'd take a moment to list some things that I'm thankful for.  I'd hoped that there was some cool colonial font to type in, but nope, this is it.

*I'm thankful for God sending his Son to die for ME!  He also continues to shower me with grace as I struggle daily with the ugliness of my sinful heart.

*I'm thankful for a husband who works SO HARD so that I can stay home with my children.

*I'm thankful for my family,- immediate, extended, and married into.  We all have our issues, but our love for one another is strong.

*I'm thankful for our home.  It is tiny, but filled with joy, laughter, and love.

*I'm thankful for two reliable cars.  Even though one of them is a mini-van.

*I'm thankful for healthy, wonderful little girls - mine in particular.   It's so special that they got to start life with their best friend.

*I'm thankful for good friends to drink coffee with and talk to for hours.

*I'm thankful for chocolate.  Boy, do I like chocolate.

*I'm thankful for traditions.  They are comfortable yet new every time.

*I'm thankful for music.  Man, I'd don't know who I'd be without music.

I hope that you are able to spend time with people who you are thankful for a take a moment to see the blessings in your lives.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Few Random Thoughts

Overheard while the girls were "cooking" in the kitchen. 
Taylor:  "This recipe says you need tomatoes, onion, bikini, and squash."
She meant zuchinni.

Overheard while the girls were playing in the living room.
Taylor:  "Emma!  You did that on purpose!  On purpose means that you need to go to time out!"
Maybe I should teach them that doing something on purpose can be a good thing, too.

We have been making the girls start using correct L's.  They can make the sound, but out of habit, make them all W's.  They both are doing a good job, but Taylor has over-corrected.  All of her W's are now L's.

Will has often commented that I wake up really grumpy in the morning.  I have to admit that maybe I do.  I can't help it - I have to get up one to three times a night with kids, dogs, or husbands.  (I only have one husband, but it didn't sound right without the s.)  I went to bed last night determined that I would wake up happy, with a smile on my face.  I tried it.  It didn't feel right. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Who Done It?

My home is quiet, the girls are at school.  I'm listening to Bluegrass Hymns.  It is well with my soul.

The girls were sick from last Tuesday, to this past Tuesday.  One full week.  That's a long time.  It wasn't much - cough, fever, laryngitis - but just enough to keep us cooped up in the house.  I hate those times.  The first few days they're just cuddly and tired.  As the time goes on though, they get fussy, irritable, and no fun at all.  I also get fussy, irritable, and no fun at all.

I did get one short break though, thanks to my parents.  I had purchased a Groupon last December for a mystery dinner at a bed and breakfast in Stafford, Kansas.  We scheduled it in September, so there was no getting out of it.  We went with some good friends, and some new friends.  We had a great time.  There wasn't a whole lot of sleeping because of late-night game playing and hunters that were staying in our house.  They got up early, but strangely didn't ever leave for hunting.

Don't worry, it was just root beer and grape juice.
This is our group.  We really did have fun.  I won't tell you who the murderer was, just in case you play the game sometime.  Stafford was such a tiny, quiet town.  It's nice to visit new places.  Don't plan on a getting a late night snack though, the gas station closes at 11:00.

I was a movie star and Will was an old man from Italy.  He looked more like he was from Mexico.

Thanks again, Mom and Dad, for keeping our sick kids!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Star Student of the Week

At the girls' preschool, they have a star student of the week.  This just means that the child makes a poster about themselves and shares it with the class.  It then hangs in the hallway for a week.  A few weeks ago, Emma was chosen.  Yeah!  Making the poster was going to be fun for us both!

Well, Sunday night came and I realized that we hadn't made her poster.  I was that parent.  The parent who was NEVER going to wait until the last minute to finish the project.  And here I was at the last minute, finishing a project.  I asked her the questions that night, I'd pick out the pictures, and she would glue them on the next morning before school.  Well...with these new fangled digital cameras, I'd discovered that I didn't have a single picture of Emma that was printed out.  No problem, I'd just print some off the computer in the morning.  Morning came, I printed, and discovered that our printer was out of ink.  Hmmm, what to do now.

Thankfully, Emma doesn't look that different from a year ago when we had her pictures taken professionally.  And thankfully, the rest of us don't look that different from the family photo we sent with Christmas cards last year, which I had ordered too many of.  We glued them on and it was all perfect.  Below is the finished project.  It was not as much fun as I thought it would be.

 I swore I would get those pictures printed before Taylor was chosen as Star Student.   Unfortunately, they were going in alphabetical order and Taylor was next - still with no pictures or ink.  We made it work though.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

Our neighborhood doesn't really have much going on in terms of trick-or-treating.  You can walk a couple blocks and find maybe 5 houses with their porch lights on.  Kind of a bummer if you're a kid wanting to show off your costume and bulk up your candy supply.  Last year we went to Hutch and trick-or-treated in my parents neighborhood.  We had a great time, but we can't go to Hutch every year.  This year we teamed up with friends and hit their neighborhood.  We all had fun.

This is Ariel and Belle.  I scored these costumes at garage sales this past summer.  I paid $3.50 total.  Yeah for garage sales!

And, there off!

At their first stop, Taylor asked if the candy had nuts in it because she is allergic to nuts.  We praised her for the awareness, but told her just to take the candy and we would sort through it later.  It would have taken us all night to get past one block!

Three beautiful princesses.

I love this picture.  It captures these girls perfectly.  Princess who love to collect "treasures" and play in the dirt.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Corn Maze 2011

Five or six years ago my family started visiting a corn maze together.  We always go to one in Buhler, KS.  We love it.  It has a large corn maze and extra play things for the kids.  Some family members (who will remain nameless) have complained that its too cold, too muddy, too dusty, too expensive, etc.  I, personally, think its fun no matter what the conditions are like.  Those family members have the option to not go, if they'd like, but I don't really believe that will ever happen.  Here are a few shots from this year's maze activity.  I didn't get the "big" group shot (there were 14 people total), but I did get snapshots of most people.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lake Afton

We had planned to go camping a few weeks ago with two other families, but our plans got rained out.  So, we decided to go last weekend with just one of the families.  (We missed you C family!)  We decided to go to Lake Afton because it wasn't too far away.  I had read about the Observatory, but didn't know they had a whole park!

During the day, they weather was perfect.  Not too hot, not too cold.  The night time temperature was around 45 degrees both nights.  In my head, that didn't sound too bad, but in my tent, in the middle of the night, I was FREEZING!  I learned a lot the first night - we all should have been sleeping in hats.  I was able to put my head in the sleeping bag, but my conscience wouldn't let me because the girls couldn't put their heads in theirs'.  I didn't sleep at all because I was worried about the them.  Also, did you know that ducks don't sleep at night?  They quacked all night long.  Our friend mentioned before bed that it sounds like they are laughing when they quack.  As I laid in my sleeping bag, I chuckled each time I heard it.  At least for the first few hours.  Then it was just obnoxious.

Then next night was better, probably because I was so exhausted from not sleeping the night before.  The girls on the other hand, both had sore throats from being cold the night before.  I know, we're super great parents.  They survived.  Although, I am taking Emma to the doctor today for a possible ear infection today.  Its all about the memories, though, right?

 Anyway,  we all had a great time and the girls came home with a bucketful of treasures (bottle caps, fishing weights, a lens from someone's glasses, mussel shells, etc.).  Next time we're going earlier in October - and taking hats that hook under our chins.

The girls on an early morning treasure hunt.  I'm telling you, it was COLD!

Emma declared, "Look!  I found a Christmas decoration!"

Taylor participated in some Frisbee time with the dads.  She did pretty well!

I wish this weren't blurry.  What a sweet picture of K with A.

This was our sunset each night.  Beautiful.

***Just came back from the doctor.  Emma's ears are fine.  She's just being bad all on her own. Makes me feel like not such a bad parent after all.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Julie and Julia

I just finished watching the movie, Julie and Julia.  I absolutely loved it.  I'm not sure anyone could watch it and not be inspired.  I watched it alone because I didn't think Will would enjoy it much, but it will become part of our movie library and he will watch it.

I love to cook.  Its relaxing and ends with a sense of accomplishment.  I say that, but maybe those memories are from before I had kids.  Anyway...I constantly feel a struggle of what to cook.  My grandmas were great cooks and my mom was a great cook, but all of their (and my) favorites included gravy, butter, and bacon.  Those things are frowned upon these days.  So, I feel guilty preparing those things for my family.  Our meals should include things that will keep us all healthy.  I don't mind that, but they can sometimes lack flavor, or the ingredients to make them flavorful are expensive.

I want to sit down to a meal and say mmmm.....this is so good.  I want to bake breads and cookies and desserts to warm and comfort us in the winter.  I want to do all these things and not worry about packing on the pounds or clogging up our arteries.

Not exactly sure what the balance is.  One really good not healthy meal a week?  Dessert two times a month?  Cook what we want and increase our physical activity?  Oh, the inner turmoil.  I wish the quote below was one I could feel comfortable with.

photo credit