Friday, November 4, 2011

Star Student of the Week

At the girls' preschool, they have a star student of the week.  This just means that the child makes a poster about themselves and shares it with the class.  It then hangs in the hallway for a week.  A few weeks ago, Emma was chosen.  Yeah!  Making the poster was going to be fun for us both!

Well, Sunday night came and I realized that we hadn't made her poster.  I was that parent.  The parent who was NEVER going to wait until the last minute to finish the project.  And here I was at the last minute, finishing a project.  I asked her the questions that night, I'd pick out the pictures, and she would glue them on the next morning before school.  Well...with these new fangled digital cameras, I'd discovered that I didn't have a single picture of Emma that was printed out.  No problem, I'd just print some off the computer in the morning.  Morning came, I printed, and discovered that our printer was out of ink.  Hmmm, what to do now.

Thankfully, Emma doesn't look that different from a year ago when we had her pictures taken professionally.  And thankfully, the rest of us don't look that different from the family photo we sent with Christmas cards last year, which I had ordered too many of.  We glued them on and it was all perfect.  Below is the finished project.  It was not as much fun as I thought it would be.

 I swore I would get those pictures printed before Taylor was chosen as Star Student.   Unfortunately, they were going in alphabetical order and Taylor was next - still with no pictures or ink.  We made it work though.

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