Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Few Random Thoughts

Overheard while the girls were "cooking" in the kitchen. 
Taylor:  "This recipe says you need tomatoes, onion, bikini, and squash."
She meant zuchinni.

Overheard while the girls were playing in the living room.
Taylor:  "Emma!  You did that on purpose!  On purpose means that you need to go to time out!"
Maybe I should teach them that doing something on purpose can be a good thing, too.

We have been making the girls start using correct L's.  They can make the sound, but out of habit, make them all W's.  They both are doing a good job, but Taylor has over-corrected.  All of her W's are now L's.

Will has often commented that I wake up really grumpy in the morning.  I have to admit that maybe I do.  I can't help it - I have to get up one to three times a night with kids, dogs, or husbands.  (I only have one husband, but it didn't sound right without the s.)  I went to bed last night determined that I would wake up happy, with a smile on my face.  I tried it.  It didn't feel right. 

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