Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Feelings of Gratitude

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I thought I'd take a moment to list some things that I'm thankful for.  I'd hoped that there was some cool colonial font to type in, but nope, this is it.

*I'm thankful for God sending his Son to die for ME!  He also continues to shower me with grace as I struggle daily with the ugliness of my sinful heart.

*I'm thankful for a husband who works SO HARD so that I can stay home with my children.

*I'm thankful for my family,- immediate, extended, and married into.  We all have our issues, but our love for one another is strong.

*I'm thankful for our home.  It is tiny, but filled with joy, laughter, and love.

*I'm thankful for two reliable cars.  Even though one of them is a mini-van.

*I'm thankful for healthy, wonderful little girls - mine in particular.   It's so special that they got to start life with their best friend.

*I'm thankful for good friends to drink coffee with and talk to for hours.

*I'm thankful for chocolate.  Boy, do I like chocolate.

*I'm thankful for traditions.  They are comfortable yet new every time.

*I'm thankful for music.  Man, I'd don't know who I'd be without music.

I hope that you are able to spend time with people who you are thankful for a take a moment to see the blessings in your lives.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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