Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The girls have needed a haircut for a while, but we don't have someone here in town that I trust to do it, so I just kept putting it off.  I have a few friends that cut their kids' hair so I thought, okay, I'll just give it a try.  Below is a picture of the finished product.  I had no intention of cutting Emma's hair that short, but you know how it goes.  It wasn't even, so I just kept cutting!  It doesn't look that bad, just don't look too closely from the back.

Don't Bert and Ernie look pretty?

 Also, I've decided to grow my hair out, which means more straight days and less curly days.  Unfortunately straight causes me to find more gray hairs.  Very sad, indeed.


  1. I think they both look great! Not sure if its the pic or the haircut but it seemed to add a little sophistication and a couple of years to Emma!

  2. I did the same thing to Mackie's hair - started cutting, she turned her head so it was uneven, and I just kept snipping away. Hers is about the same length now as Emma's - but the bob is oh so cute! Nice work, mama!!
    - Amy
