Friday, December 16, 2011

The Gift of Music

I was laying in bed last night thinking about my favorite Christmas presents.  You know, the ones I actually remember opening, being excited about, and using for years to come.  The only ones that come to mind are as follows.  New Kids on the Block tape when I was 8,  sterling silver necklace with music notes on it when I was around 10,  a radio/CD/tape player when I was 14, and a radio/CD player for my car when I was 17.

I don't still have the tape, but I do have the same album on a CD.  I don't still have the car stereo, it went with the car, but I do still use the other stereo and the necklace.

I have received a lot of gifts in my life (I can't believe I'm 31), but remember very few (which reminds me that what I give my kids really isn't that important).  I believe that the items I remember were important/special for one connecting reason: music. 

I think that music is one of the most wonderful gifts that God has given.  I don't think there is a moment in my life that passes without the involvement of music.  I like all music.  I think each style has an appropriate time and place.  I think music often says things that we just can't put into words.  Most importantly, music is my preferred method of worshiping my savior.  I relate to that little drummer boy.  "I have no gift to bring, to lay before the King.  I played my drum for him.  I played my best for him.  Then, he smiled at me.  Me and my drum."

A lot of people HATE Christmas music, and I understand why, but as for me, I LOVE it!  I get one month - ONE MONTH people, to listen to music that will be put back on the shelf for a year.  I, and other Christmas music lovers, have to take full advantage of this opportunity.

SO...I guess this post has a few messages and reminders in it.  Make your gifts special and memorable.  They don't have to be expensive, fancy, or even material objects at all.  They could be your time, your services, handmade, or bought, just make sure they fill a purpose and matter.  Really THINK about the person you're giving to.

Also, give Christmas music a chance.  Some people really dig it.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC... I play it from the first time on the radio...(Nov 23) to this year a week after Christmas. There is NOTHING better...
