Monday, October 1, 2012

Camping at Pete's Puddle

Last weekend we went camping with two other families at Pete's Puddle.  We were the only tent campers among a sea of very fancy rvs.  In fact, I think we may have been the only tent campers they had seen in years.  We were definitely the talk of the puddle.

This was a great fishing spot for the kids to really "learn" how to fish.  They practiced casting, walking around with the pole and not hooking someone in the eye, and having patience. 

Will caught five and I caught one.
Later that day, Taylor caught her first fish!

On Saturday afternoon we ventured into the little town of Burrton to watch the Fall Festival parade.  This is our crew waiting for it to start.  We left before the lawn mower races began.

We went back to camp and did camp-like things.  Emma caught her first fish on Sunday morning (with some help from mom).
I will leave you with random pictures to conclude this post.  Enjoy!


  1. Good memory making! What's Lily holding? Yuck! We could use tent camping tips. We haven't camped but we bought a tent at a garage sale and really want to try it this fall!

  2. I just spent 10 min removing the stickers from the bottom of Lily's pants AFTER they were laundered. Good times!
