Tuesday, October 2, 2012

32 Years

 With the help of wonderful friends, I celebrated my 32nd birthday on Sunday.  They decorated our campsite and even gave me a candle for my biscuits and gravy.

As part of Taylor's gift to me, she collected flowers and decorated my hair.

Last week, the girls had school store day where they could buy items for a quarter.  Will encouraged them to buy me a birthday gift.  Taylor bought be a beanie baby bear.  She couldn't wait to give it to me so she handed it directly to me after school. 

Emma bought a candy bug and said she would share it with me.  She then gave half to Taylor, and handed me a leg.  I told her she could keep it.  Don't worry though, she still gave me something.  This is her digging my "birthday" hole.

This was my special birthday chair.

I love these friends!


  1. Love you too...So much so that I don't mind that {less than attractive} picture to be displayed for all to see :) You on the other hand look great! Thanks for sharing your birthday with us!

  2. You got a hole for your birthday--how memorable! :) Love it!
