Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sick Days

Three weeks ago Taylor was home from school sick for two days.  This past week Emma was home from school sick for two days. 

Sure, they had some sick days last year during preschool, but that was different.  I only had the sick one by themselves for two and a half hours.  Now I have them for seven hours.  Seven. Long. Hours.

I can hear people with only one child now. 
"I entertain my kid all day, every day!" 
I know, having twins has spoiled me.

When you're sick, that's the perfect opportunity to watch t.v., but I have a problem with that after we hit the 3 hour mark.  I can't help but feel like its sucking the life out of them.  Wanting them to stay low-key, I encouraged things like reading or play-doh.  Taylor does a pretty good job of playing by herself, but Emma struggles with that.  She needs constant companionship.  Having a twin has spoiled her, too.

Actually, I ended up really enjoying the time I got to spend with each of them.  I discovered that Emma has been hiding a secret from us!  She is becoming quite the little reader!  I already knew that about Taylor, but Emma hasn't shown us much in the area of academics.  Emma also decided that the ideal way to take her temperature is under her tongue.  She has refused to do that up to this point.  It's like she grew a whole year in two days.

To top things off, both girls decided that they don't want to sleep with any stuffed animals or dolls anymore.  They are just growing too fast.

I now have a different view of sick days.  I'm looking forward to the next one.

These are Emma's special treats that she made during one of her sick days.  In case you were wondering, she won first prize in the queen's baking competition and she made $1,000 in her bake sale.  She will use the proceeds to buy more baking supplies.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post Alisha. Your girls are the cutest! Funny how one is extroverted and the other introverted, just like mine. I'm glad you're enjoying these fleeting moments. I think blogging about them will prove to be a blessing years from now :)
