Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I wanted to write a few updates since this is mostly a journal to help me remember things.

The girls really like their bedroom now.  And, for some reason, they keep the room cleaner.  Maybe its the still the newness.  Maybe I've created better organization.  Maybe they're just older.  Whatever the reason, I like it.  I never got the mystery stain out of the quilt so I gave in and bought a new one.  That is something I would normally NEVER do, but I got a great deal on the first one and had a little money left over.

They have transitioned to taking a nap every other day.  They were still sleeping well every afternoon, but bedtime was getting more and more difficult.  Some nights they were still awake when Will and I went to bed.  I miss the time alone each afternoon, but I enjoy my evenings even more.  There are nights they are asleep by 7:30.  Heavenly. 

I have an important announcement to make.  Emma is almost five and is finally sleeping through the night!  No more blanket problems.  No more sleep walking.  No more night terrors.  No more waking me at 2:00 in the morning just to talk because she's bored.  Hallelujah.  We are all happier in the mornings.

Spring has come early this year and we are thoroughly enjoying it.  I have been spending a lot of time on these super cute, comfortable, gliding rockers that I bought last fall. My parents gave me some money for my birthday and told me to "do something for yourself".  These chairs provide me serenity, comfort, and the perfect reading place.  I can also watch the girls play in the front yard, which is loads of fun.
On a somewhat side note, while they were playing two days ago, Taylor was stung by a wasp.  They are too terrified to go out front now.  Don't worry, I have set up a home-made wasp trap.  I have not caught anything yet.

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