Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Little Bit of the Perfect Snow

It has been an incredibly mild winter in our part of the state.  A few weeks ago, we finally got maybe two inches of snow.  It was only a little bit, but it was the perfect consistency for building snowballs and snowmen.  The girls had been waiting for this day to arrive.

We got ready and headed outside.  Taylor and I got to work building our "big" snowman.  Keep in mind, it can't be that big when you're working with only two inches of snow. 

Emma, on the other hand, had a wonderful time attacking me with snowballs.  She would come at me with one in each hand.  For someone with terrible coordination, she had some pretty impressive shots.

We finished the large snow"girl".

Taylor was then motivated to build her own snowman, all by herself.  Man, my kids are getting too big.


  1. haha, love how their snowgirl is dressed up to the nines in dress-up clothes just like your girls always are! :)

  2. I love this snowman... and the girls are so darn cute
