Monday, April 9, 2012

The Old Rugged Cross

Not the greatest, but the best I got.
I feel like I'm breaking the rules a bit.  Sure, its cool to show your Easter pictures a few days after the holiday, but to actually write a full-blown religious post that isn't shared on Easter?  Nobody does that.  Well, I'm going to.  Don't worry, I'll share pictures, too.

Yesterday was Easter.  The day to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus.  The day started out kind of rotten.  My daughter was difficult.  I got in a fight with my husband.  I tried to focus on the message during the service, but Satan kept throwing other thoughts my way.

My family and a few good friends came for lunch at our house.  Things went well, but when all was said and done, my heart felt heavy.  I didn't feel the joy that I should be feeling on that day of celebration.  I was exhausted and wanted to take a bath and start reading The Hunger Games.  That's what I wanted to do, but I felt a prodding from the Spirit to do something else.

I pulled out some study notes on the Holy Week and read the scriptures to go with it.  I know the story.  I had been talking to the girls about it all week, but I hadn't taken the time to make it personal to me.  All day long I had been hearing "The Old Rugged Cross" in my head.  Not the lyrics to the song, just the title.  I finally pulled out my old hymnal and looked it up.

Verse three says,
"In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, such a wonderful beauty I see.
For twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died, to pardon and sanctify me.
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down.  I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it someday for a crown."

In that moment my heart was full.  I was right where I needed to be, knelt before the Savior who died for me.  I hope that your Easter was a day of celebration and I pray that you know that He died for you, too.

My sister Tricia, and her family.

We had a great time celebrating with extra friends this year!

I wish we could of taken with us looking at the camera.

Me, with two of my sisters.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Alisha. You have two of the cutest little girls. Just adorable!

  2. Thanks for sharing your heart AND your pictures!

  3. Thank you for this honest post. I had a similar Easter morning and couldn't believe my ugly, selfish, sinful heart - on Easter of all days!

    LOVE the pics, but proud auntie really loves the pic with her niece and nephews in there (stylin' and all!). :)
