Emma has been a bit of challenge since the day she was born. She is strong-willed and full of energy. Those are nice ways to say she is stubborn and can't be still or calm. Don't get me wrong, she has her sweet moments. I'd say there isn't a better cuddler in the world and at times she has a heart of gold.
Lately, though, we've been seeing a lot of the "other" Emma. She's been easily frustrated, and disrespectful. Its like she's a teenager trapped in a four year old body. When she's upset, she screams and throws fits. When she wants something, she takes it. When she talks, she whines.
We've tried everything, and nothing has worked. We were visiting family this past weekend, so of course, she had many opportunities to demonstrate these bad behaviors. We were all tired and irritable, and at those times, things seem worse than they are. I, of course, was embarrassed and felt like a terrible mother. People try and say things like, "she really is a good kid." I know that is true, but in those moments, nothing can make me feel any better about the situation.
In reality, I know that what I need to do is be more consistent. Consistency for a few days. That just makes me tired thinking about it.
Emma is a good kid. I love her very much. This phase will pass - it always does. Thanks for letting me vent.
**One final note. A few days ago she was upset with me and said in a mean voice, "You're a ganda banda!" Now, this is a nonsensical word that means nothing, but it was clear that she wanted me to know she was mad. I responded back in the cheeriest voice possible, "I love you!" Her final reply was "Don't say that!" Then she walked away. Kill 'em with kindness, right?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Richard's Little Dairy Queen
Everyone has a favorite ice cream place. Unfortunately, ours is only a couple minutes away. Unfortunately, because it makes my already curvy body have a few extra, unneeded curves.
Richard's Little Dairy Queen is perfect. It makes me nostalgic of the old days. It only sells ice cream and doesn't have indoor seating or ordering. The quaintness isn't the only thing that brings people in. Their ice cream is scrumptious. Absolutely delicious. I hear you now, "Aren't all dairy queens the same?" The answer is no. His is the best. He makes the kids practice until they get it right, and they don't serve it until it is. My server last night said that last year when she was hired, she practiced blizzards for three months before serving one, and cones for almost a year! That's why theirs are the best. You can read more about it here.

The above picture is a bit deceiving. It would make one think that we frequent there often as a family. While we do take the girls occasionally, the majority of our dairy queen runs happen after they are in bed. Don't worry, we don't go together and leave the children alone. One of goes and picks up while the other waits anxiously for the their return. During the summer we go at least once a week. Sometimes its two. We're frugal though. After we buy 5 blizzards, the 6th one is free!
Richard's Little Dairy Queen is perfect. It makes me nostalgic of the old days. It only sells ice cream and doesn't have indoor seating or ordering. The quaintness isn't the only thing that brings people in. Their ice cream is scrumptious. Absolutely delicious. I hear you now, "Aren't all dairy queens the same?" The answer is no. His is the best. He makes the kids practice until they get it right, and they don't serve it until it is. My server last night said that last year when she was hired, she practiced blizzards for three months before serving one, and cones for almost a year! That's why theirs are the best. You can read more about it here.
I'm not sure why the DQ logo has been removed from the front. Maybe he's getting ready to repaint. |
The above picture is a bit deceiving. It would make one think that we frequent there often as a family. While we do take the girls occasionally, the majority of our dairy queen runs happen after they are in bed. Don't worry, we don't go together and leave the children alone. One of goes and picks up while the other waits anxiously for the their return. During the summer we go at least once a week. Sometimes its two. We're frugal though. After we buy 5 blizzards, the 6th one is free!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Outside Fun
We've spent some time outside in the mornings to avoid the heat. The 105 degree weather doesn't bother the girls, but this momma just can't handle it. Here are a few pictures to show some of our recent fun.
Dirt Dessert - dirt pie and mud pudding. Mmmm...delicious. And yes, those are cicada shells that are decorating Taylor's pie. I wish that I'd gotten a picture of them "walking" up her arms. I can't keep these two out of the dirt - they are just drawn to it. And bugs too. Its definitely not just a boy thing.
Taylor gets very involved in her sidewalk chalk drawings.
And last, but not least, is this super cool toy firetruck. It was Will's when he was a kid. You hook it up to the fire hydrant and you are ready to put out fires! They just don't make toys like they used to.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Somethin's Fishy
I LOVE to eat fish. When somebody else makes it.
I have tried, and tried to cook good tasting fish, and I just can't do it! I'll find a good recipe and it will work one time and then not the next. My husband, Will, is great about it. He politely eats it and doesn't complain. He might say something like, "Yeah, maybe it could have been cooked a little less", or "Yeah, you definitely need the sauce." The whole time I'm thinking, "This is awful!"
We have a rule with dinner. Everybody has to try it. You don't have to eat it all, you just have to try it. Last night as I was eating that tasteless fish, I wished we didn't have that rule. Taylor tried it, and that was it. She didn't finish it. Emma, on the other hand, refused. She cried, but finally gave in. Good girl. I knew she wouldn't like it, but hey, rules are rules. And I am a stickler for rules.
So...if anyone has any suggestions for how to cook fish, I'd love to hear them!
I have tried, and tried to cook good tasting fish, and I just can't do it! I'll find a good recipe and it will work one time and then not the next. My husband, Will, is great about it. He politely eats it and doesn't complain. He might say something like, "Yeah, maybe it could have been cooked a little less", or "Yeah, you definitely need the sauce." The whole time I'm thinking, "This is awful!"
We have a rule with dinner. Everybody has to try it. You don't have to eat it all, you just have to try it. Last night as I was eating that tasteless fish, I wished we didn't have that rule. Taylor tried it, and that was it. She didn't finish it. Emma, on the other hand, refused. She cried, but finally gave in. Good girl. I knew she wouldn't like it, but hey, rules are rules. And I am a stickler for rules.
So...if anyone has any suggestions for how to cook fish, I'd love to hear them!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Fourth of July - One Week Late
Here is a summary of our Fourth of July. In pictures. One week late.
My camera ran out of batteries after this. But we did some fireworks, watched some fireworks, and played some bocce ball. This was the first time in a long time that the ENTIRE family was together. We had a great day.
Watching the flag pass during the parade. |
The motorcycles were too loud as they passed. |
My sister, Sarah. |
I imagine this is how they will look as little old ladies. |
Helping Grandma K put out flags. |
Taylor and Emma's first motorcycle ride with Grandpa. They were motivated by seeing their cousin ride with him in the parade. |
Water balloons and sprinklers. Grandpa and Uncle Stephen even joined in the fun. |
All the grandchildren. |
My sister, Crystal, and her husband, James. |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
I loved that show growing up - Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. I think my kids would like it, too. But, they don't get to watch it, because we don't have cable and our antenna, for some reason, won't pick up PBS. Anyway...
I wanted to spend some time talking about my neighborhood. I love my neighborhood. And my house. Our house is tiny. No, seriously. It's TINY. We hadn't planned on living here for long, but God has had other plans for us. I don't mind it, really. It has helped me stay clutter free and it can be cleaned pretty quickly. We (mostly Will) have redone everything in the house. Literally, from the roof to the basement floor. Because of that, I really love this house. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to things in a new house some day.
Enter dream sequence:
I could flush the toilet in the morning and not worry about waking everyone up.
I could actually sit in one room and not be able to look into every other room in the house.
I could have enough cabinet space to store my food in the kitchen instead of the basement.
Back to reality.
On top of a great house, we have a really nice neighborhood. I personally know the names of people in 8 of the houses that surround us, and talk with them frequently. Our kids play together. We have neighborhood parties.
A lot of the success of the neighborhood goes to the neighborhood association. They make sure cars aren't abandoned and grass gets mowed. Yes, the president does get a little bit into everyone's business, but she gets things done! A few weekends ago we had a garden party. Other than the fact that it was at 2:00 in the afternoon on a 100 degree day, it was pretty fun.
I wanted to spend some time talking about my neighborhood. I love my neighborhood. And my house. Our house is tiny. No, seriously. It's TINY. We hadn't planned on living here for long, but God has had other plans for us. I don't mind it, really. It has helped me stay clutter free and it can be cleaned pretty quickly. We (mostly Will) have redone everything in the house. Literally, from the roof to the basement floor. Because of that, I really love this house. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to things in a new house some day.
Enter dream sequence:
I could flush the toilet in the morning and not worry about waking everyone up.
I could actually sit in one room and not be able to look into every other room in the house.
I could have enough cabinet space to store my food in the kitchen instead of the basement.
Back to reality.
On top of a great house, we have a really nice neighborhood. I personally know the names of people in 8 of the houses that surround us, and talk with them frequently. Our kids play together. We have neighborhood parties.
A lot of the success of the neighborhood goes to the neighborhood association. They make sure cars aren't abandoned and grass gets mowed. Yes, the president does get a little bit into everyone's business, but she gets things done! A few weekends ago we had a garden party. Other than the fact that it was at 2:00 in the afternoon on a 100 degree day, it was pretty fun.
They took pictures of the kids for ID kits.
They had water balloons.
And, sprinklers.
One last closing note.
One of my neighbors attended an estate sale a long time ago and purchased a photo album, just for the album. She threw out all the photos except four. They were pictures of our house. She remembered she had them and found them for us. Isn't that super sweet!?! I love my neighborhood. And my house.
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