*Yesterday Emma and Taylor were re-exposed to the world of computer games. We had tried it awhile back and they just couldn't grasp the mouse. I decided to try it again after a friend of mine reminded me of the website "Starfall". They did great this time. I was even able to do some laundry and just watch over their shoulders. Emma caught on more quickly than Taylor, which surprised me because Taylor is by far the more coordinated of the two.
If I had my way about things, I would never introduce my kids to electronic devices. There are so many better things to do with their time. Also, I have seen kids (and adults) become so addicted that they don't know how to do anything else. Well, I realize I'm old fashion and that if I don't teach my kids they will lag behind their peers, so, that's why I did it. I think for awhile that it will only be 30 minutes each, once a week.
*Yesterday I was having the girls help me fill out some paper work. Common things like name, address, birth date, etc. I asked them to answer our occupations. I asked what my job was and Taylor said, "washing dishes, doing laundry, and sweeping." Emma said I was a queen.
*And finally, this is how I found the girls when I went to get them up from their naps today.
They are standing on my bed, wearing my shirts, and that hanger is being used as a bow and arrow. I'm glad they enjoy one another's company.
haha, all these posts i got behind on since Uganda are making me laugh. . . go with "queen"!!!