Thursday, August 23, 2012

End of the Summer "Vacation"

We wanted to do something special for the girls before they started kindergarten (and I felt a little bad we didn't take them to San Diego), so the weekend before school started we went to Oklahoma City.  I know, Oklahoma City is a place they've been to a hundred times, but its a brand new place when you get to stay in a hotel. 

I got  a super great deal on a two bedroom suite with a kitchen.  The girls couldn't believe they got their own room and it even had a TV in it!  They wanted to fill the drawers and closets with all their clothes.  Emma said, "That can be my new chore.  But only in hotels, though."  She was pretty disappointed that there was no food in the refridgerator.

We spent Saturday with my Aunt Cathy exploring downtown.

The girls danced for us on the stage by the river.

That's right, even feeding the ducks can be free.  Plenty of food falls to the ground.

A stranger took pity on them and gave them a quarter.

After spending the afternoon swimming at our hotel we headed to Bricktown for some evening fun.

We took a water taxi ride down the canal.  This was one of two splurge things we did on the trip.  Taylor was a bit concerned at first because we weren't wearing life jackets.  They had just finished swimming lessons and she remembered that you should never get on a boat without a life jacket.  She always follows the rules.

Here we are enjoying some break dancers.

After one last swim Sunday morning we headed home.  On our way we stopped in Arcadia, OK at Pop's on Route 66.  Its a restaurant and pop store that sells all kinds of cool pops, current and nostalgic.
 This was our second splurge of the trip.  Each pop cost $2.50!  Here are the girls' picks.  Chocolate and Pineapple.  They loved them.  I did not.

 Our last stop was a historic circle barn just down the road.
It was rebuilt a while back by volunteers and donations.  Look at the cool ceiling!
We were lucky enough to stop in during some live music.

 The girls got the camera to take pictures of the really important things in the museum downstairs.  I think the word "museum" is loosely used here.  It was a random assortment of stuff.  I guess that is kind of the definition of a museum.  Never mind.

 It was a fun, cheap little vacation.  We all had a great time.

Friday, August 17, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten - Mommy's Point of View

Today was the first day of Kindergarten. 

I can't believe these little girls...
have turned into these big girls.

I admit, the weeks leading up to this day have been hard on me.  I haven't talked about it much because every time I did I would start to cry.  I know that there is emotion every time a parent sends their child to school for the first time, but I think our situation made it even more difficult for me.

First, we had to decide whether to keep the girls together or to put them in separate classes.  We chose to put them in different classes because Emma is very dependent on Taylor.  I was worried because Emma already has separation anxiety with me and now we were taking Taylor away also.

I think I also was extra sad because, although we have two children, instead of starting years apart, they were starting at the same time.  Its possible that we won't have any more kids.  Both of my kids were going away at the same time.  This is really the beginning of the end.  I know that's a grim way to look at it, but hey, I'm being honest.

There is no doubt in my mind that, academically, they are ready for school.  I could not be any more pleased with the school they are going to.  God has orchestrated the school, the teachers, the kids in their classes.  He is in control.  I am not.  All I can do is pray that they will make good choices and that this year they will begin to become the people God wants them to be.  I also pray that they will pick good friends, be respectful to their teachers, and will stand up for what is right.  I also pray that people won't pick on them.   I don't know why, but I worry about that.

They both did great this morning.  They gave hugs, kisses, and let me go without incident.  They were ready.  It turns out I was more ready than I thought I was.  I didn't shed a tear.

They've been at school for two hours now.  I wonder how they're doing.

Part of my fear of kindergarten is that they would grow up too fast.  Immediately change from little girls.  I experienced great peace when they decided to keep their princess backpacks from last year. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Swimming Lessons

This year we opted for a two week long swim lesson session.  Because the only two week block we had open was toward the end of the summer, that's when we had to do it.  It was really great.  If we had had more time, I would have continued with two more weeks to keep the progress coming.

Taylor really caught on quickly and was bumped up to the next level for next time.   Emma is just so timid that she'll continue in the current level.  We took them swimming this past weekend and Taylor was so proud of herself.  She kept saying things like, "How can I swim now!?!"  Emma didn't seem to mind one bit that she couldn't.

The last day of lessons was water safety day.  They practiced jumping out of a boat and what to do if someone is in trouble.

I wish this were a better picture, but if you look closely, you can see that Taylor is having a great time and that Emma would rather be out of the boat.

This was attempt number two.  Emma felt better about things being in the back.

Notice the difference in swimming techniques of the two children?


Emma, happy to be safely at shore.

Enjoying time with their best friend, Addison.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Everything's Great When You're Downtown

Get ready for a huge influx of blog posts.  We have packed as much fun into these last few weeks of summer as physically possible.  Now I have to write about it all in a short amount of time because school starts on Friday and summer will be over!

Last week on Friday night we took the girls downtown.  Its always one of our favorite places to visit.  There's a lot to do, and most of it is free!  This particular trip we focused on a water fountain, ice cream, and a big statue with fire.  We maybe should have skipped the last one because Taylor is extrememely afraid of fire.  Even if its controlled and far away.  Anyway, we suffered through it and when it was over she said it wasn't as bad as she thought.  She still didn't like it though.

I could not love this picture any more.  This girl LOVES her sweets.  She worked very hard to get every last bit of chocolate out of that bowl.

And of course, you can't take one picture without taking the other.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Peach Pickin'

A few weeks ago we went to a local peach orchard and picked 27 pounds of peaches.  Yes, that is a lot of peaches.  Somehow, they were all used up in one and a half weeks, though.  We should have picked more.  It makes me wish I had a large peach tree in my backyard.  They were so delicious.  Maybe when we move to a farm.  Then I'll get my peach tree.

On this day, like most days this summer, it was well over a hundred degrees.  We were hot.  Will taught the girls this neat trick.  I'll be interested to see if they ever have drinking water in their cups again.

We made freezer jam and I also had great plans to make a cobbler, but I just didn't have enough peaches left.  We froze some whole for winter baking, maybe I'll just use those.  We also cut some up and froze them for later.
Funny story:
My Grandma made these incredible peaches that she froze.  I mean so good that I wrote about them to be read at her funeral.  That good.  I wanted to make some with some of our surplus peaches.  I emailed my Aunt Sheila and asked if she knew Grandma's recipe.  Here was her response.

Just a little secret…..I’m the one who always put up Mama’s peaches.

Imagine my shock! I called the rest of my family to reveal the deeply kept secret and everybody had a good laugh.  Oh, Grandma.  I can hear her now, "Well, I never said I made all those."  Well, she also never told us she didn't, either.

Our picking time was almost over and I realized I hadn't taken any pictures.  I asked Emma to pick a peach so I could take her picture.  She said, "I'll just pretend.  I'm tired of picking peaches."

Friday, August 3, 2012

Past Times of Yester Years

Every year they have a Museum Day or other discounted museum day.  We take full advantage of those opportunities.  It is way too expensive to pay for all four of us at regular prices.

This year we went to one that celebrates our communities history.  Its fun and educational. 

The incredible heat kept most people away.  That is unfortunate for the museum, but very nice for us.  We didn't have to wait long for anything!

This was on our covered wagon ride.  The girls got to ride up front and Will and I got to enjoy having child-free laps.