I got a super great deal on a two bedroom suite with a kitchen. The girls couldn't believe they got their own room and it even had a TV in it! They wanted to fill the drawers and closets with all their clothes. Emma said, "That can be my new chore. But only in hotels, though." She was pretty disappointed that there was no food in the refridgerator.
We spent Saturday with my Aunt Cathy exploring downtown.
The girls danced for us on the stage by the river.
That's right, even feeding the ducks can be free. Plenty of food falls to the ground.
A stranger took pity on them and gave them a quarter.
After spending the afternoon swimming at our hotel we headed to Bricktown for some evening fun.
We took a water taxi ride down the canal. This was one of two splurge things we did on the trip. Taylor was a bit concerned at first because we weren't wearing life jackets. They had just finished swimming lessons and she remembered that you should never get on a boat without a life jacket. She always follows the rules.
Here we are enjoying some break dancers.
After one last swim Sunday morning we headed home. On our way we stopped in Arcadia, OK at Pop's on Route 66. Its a restaurant and pop store that sells all kinds of cool pops, current and nostalgic.
This was our second splurge of the trip. Each pop cost $2.50! Here are the girls' picks. Chocolate and Pineapple. They loved them. I did not.
Our last stop was a historic circle barn just down the road.
It was rebuilt a while back by volunteers and donations. Look at the cool ceiling!
We were lucky enough to stop in during some live music.
The girls got the camera to take pictures of the really important things
in the museum downstairs. I think the word "museum" is loosely used
here. It was a random assortment of stuff. I guess that is kind of the
definition of a museum. Never mind.
It was a fun, cheap little vacation. We all had a great time.