Taylor asked for a Taylor Swift CD for Christmas and was so excited because she got it! Her cousin got a ticket to her concert. She was okay with that. Until the concert got closer and she started hearing about it non-stop on the radio and TV. Even then, she didn't really complain, she just said things like, "I wish we could go."
I explained that the tickets were sold out. She said she heard on the radio that people could win them. I told her that all contests were only giving away two tickets and we needed at least three so both girls could go. Emma said she would be fine if just Taylor went. It was a very sweet comment, but in reality I don't think it would have gone over so well.
I looked on Craigslist at ones that people were selling and they ranged from $300 - $400. That was impossible for our budget. I gave up looking. Then, a week before the concert a deal popped up on my facebook page that I couldn't pass up. There was great deal on a name your own price website. I bought three tickets. This would be a great before-the-baby-arrives date for Will and the girls.
We kept it a secret until the day before the concert. They were so excited! We explained to them how big the arena would be and how crowed it would be. We told them about being wanded to make sure know one was bringing a gun in their pockets. Taylor said, "I probably won't even have pockets!" Then Emma said,"...And, we don't even have any guns!"
I asked them to show me their "excited" faces. |
Now, remember, I got these tickets for a super great price - that doesn't mean they were close seats.
They were up so high that Emma and Taylor were a bit overwhelmed and Emma was afraid she might fall.
They were better after the opening act. Taylor Swift puts on quite a show. She even did a portion of the concert on a stage that was closer to the cheap seats.
They got home around 10:45 and were filled with excitement. After telling me about every detail of what she wore and the songs that she sang their heads hit the pillow and they went right to sleep.
These were some of the highlights:
Taylor Swift gave her black hat to someone in the audience.
Taylor's favorite part was everything.
She wore beautiful dresses.
Daddy got them popcorn and pretzels.
Taylor Swift was wearing red sparkly shoes, just like Emma. Notice the picture below and compare with Emma above.
Some low points:
She didn't sing Taylor's favorite song.
They never found their cousin, Peyton, in the audience.