Friday, March 15, 2013

Snow Days

The end of February brought 4 snow days for our school district.  That is unheard of!  The first two days were pretty good, but what do you do when you run out of snow tricks?

These were the snowmen that Will made with the girls on the first day.  It snowed overnight on top of them, that's why they really just look like piles of snow.

Day number two, Taylor (really me) made another one.

I gave the girls some bottle of colored water and they made all sort of desserts.

Winnie loved the snow.  She even ate snowballs right out of our hands.

Okay, now on the last day I wanted to take the girls sledding, but we didn't have a sled.  I put out a facebook request for sled alternatives.  Here are a few ideas that were given.  Car hood (I didn't have one of those).  Car mat, trash bag, laundry basket, trash can lids, and cookie sheets.  I think the cookie sheet would have worked, but we didn't have one big enough.

I packed the girls into the van along with our assortment of sled items.  The hill we chose was full of kids on sleds.  Emma said, "what if everyone looks at us because we don't have a sled?"  Taylor, the eternal optimist, pointed out the two other people there who didn't have sleds and assured her (and me) that we would be fine.  
We tried all the items that we took.  Nothing worked.  The girls were real troopers - I was really proud of them, because honestly, I was self-conscious about it. The trash bags worked the best.  Not great, but the best.  After a while, someone gave us an extra boogie board that the girls took turns on.  It worked great.  When it was time for the other family to leave, they gave us another one and told the girls they could keep them.  Their kindness was very touching.